Children’s ʻOri

Photo courtesy of Rick Taylor

Tiny Hips, Ages 3 – 6 Years Old, Girls
Hula and ʻOri Tahiti

A fun introduction to Polynesian performance for our youngest dancers! Children learn basic dance steps, sing songs and recite chants. This class combines 30 minutes of hula and 30 minutes of Tahitian dance.

Two classes available. Saturdays 11:00 AM – Noon and Wednesday 4:30 – 5:30 PM

Photo courtesy of Rick Taylor

Tamari’i, Ages 6 -12 Years Old

The performance Tahitian ʻori group for young girls.

Photo courtesy of Rick Taylor

Tamahine, Ages 8 – 12 Years Old

The performance Tahitian ‘ori group for young girls. Tamahine are older than tamari’i.

Photo courtesy of Kristine David

Tahitian Workout for Men and Boys, Ages 6 – 55 Years Old

Vigorous, aerobic, strength-building! ʻOri Tahiti (dance) for men and boys incorporates many demanding steps like paʻoti, the iconic male movement wherein the legs are opened and closed in a scissor-like fashion. Sounds easy— but come try it! Join us for a great workout, an introduction to an extraordinary culture and wonderful camaraderie with the other class members!